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Our Community & Connections


Our community is a concept of my friend Kaayla, it is a network of friends, who have come together to support each other in business, spirit and love. I am including her own words because I think she says it best.
thank you Duane

Welcome to Our Community,

Here you will meet many of the people with whom I have personal familiarity, experience, or have utilized their services and knowledge.  I recommend you follow the links and explore with your heart, remembering that we are all One. Each has their particular contribution to make to the advancement of consciousness and the well being of our beautiful planet.

Thoughtfully,  Kaayla




Fine Jewelry


"Where you'll find the

Crop Circle Lady" 


Sedona Seer

Stuart Wreschinsky

Kaayla Fox


Crop Circles and the Human Energy Fields

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And on Facebook

Matrix Energetics

Science & Art of Transformation



Light Touch Energetics

Pamela Welsh


    Soul Readings by Ansara


Ray of Sedona


angel lightfeather







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